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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


Disappearance of Juan Carlos Rossi - File N° 1948

Juan Carlos Rossi is a freed prisoner who had been arrested for no reason on 23 August 1978 by several people who claimed to belong to the Federal Police. He was taken to the Navy Mechanics School, where he was tortured to try to obtain information about people whom in fact he did not know. A fortnight later, after suffering all kinds of harsh treatment, he was set free on the pavement by the Roche Laboratory, in Olivos.

Juan Carlos Rossi told us:

A week after I disappeared, eighteen people dressed in civilian clothing turned up at our home and in the presence of my wife they proceeded to take away all the machinery in my printing workshop in two trucks. A Labor guillotine, an R30 Rotaprint offset printer; one heavy-duty stapling machine; one book-binding machine; a 1.20 metre by 1 metre press; one arc lamp; all the reams of paper and a radio. These represented a whole life's work.





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