Adriana Bai - Donde Esta? desaparecidos

Adriana M. Bai

Disappeared on May 12, 1978. She was 28 years old


Tell me how to get to the Blue Sky, and if you want I am there.
I will meet with your form and if you want I am not here...

"Nothing nor anyone will ever be able
to take you away from us
because you live and you will always live Adriana de Bebe
in us. We love you!"
Nicolás, Mya, Menchu, Familia Quezada

Adriana as a Baby
Year 1951

en el secundario

In High School with a friend
She was in 12th grade and was 17 years old
1967 - she's the one at the right

con las primas

This picture is very special for her family
because Adriana is with her cousins.
Aunts Alicia and Liliana brought up her children.

a los 21 anhos In this picture she's 21
. She studied architecture
She's the shortest one.

Do you know Adriana?
If you knew her, please send us information about her to put in this page

A Virtual Memorial for the Disappeared - The Disappeared in Argentina