
Febrero 21, 2007

Pinochet regime sent to a criminal court in France

Seventeen people close to the dictator, died last December, will be judged as soon as possible in 2008 in absentia during the first lawsuit to the world of the Chilean dictatorship.

The investigative judgein charge of the inquiry on the disappearance of four French people under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet sent 17 ex-leader for the Chilean junta in front of the criminal court of Paris, as it was learnt on Wednesday, February 21st in judicial sources. Augusto Pinochet, aimed by an international warrant for arrest in this procedure, died on December 10th, 2006 at the age of 91.

These seventeen persons, among whom the general Herman Brady-Roche and Juan-Manuel Contreras, the leader of the DINA, the political police of the regime, are suspected of having participated in the arrest and in the detention of these four French people.

4 kidnapped persons

Georges Klein, personal doctor of the president Salvador Allende, disappeared on September 11th, 1973. Etienne Pesle was kidnapped the same day by servicemen of the Air Force. Alphonse-René Chanfreau, arrested September 11th, 1973 never went out
again from "Colonia Dignidad", German enclave in Chile. Finally, Jean-Yves Claudet, extreme left-wing activist, was kidnapped on November 1st, 1975 in Boenos Aires (Argentina).

The 17 accused

Here are the names of seventeen accused persons sent in front of the criminal court of Paris which will judge them in absentia for the disappearance of four French people in Chile between 1973 and 1975.

- Juan Manuel Guillermo Contreras Sepulveda (general of the retired land forces), 77 years, imprisoned in Chile. Ex-chef of the DINA (Direccion of investigaciones nacionale), the secret police of the regime.

- Herman Julio Brady Rock (general of the retired land forces), 86 years, ex-general of the land forces, the commander-in-chief of the garrison of Santiago

- Luis Joachim Ramirez Pineda ( retired general), 81 years, ex-lieutenant-colonel, commanding the regiment of artillery of the land forces Tacna which would have prisoner Klein

- Rafael Francisco Ahumada Valderrama (Colonel), age 62, ex-captain suspected of having executed Klein in the property of Peldehue belonging to the regiment Tacna

- Emilio Sandoval Poo (officer of the Chilean air strength) 71 years, would be a part of the group of servicemen wearing the uniform of Fach which arrested Pesle

- Andres Rigoberto Pacheco Cardenas (colonel of the retired Chilean air Strength), 78 years, ex-commanding(ex-ordering) of the base of Maquehue (in the South of Temuco) where the formerpriest was detained

- Pedro Octavio Espinoza Bravo (general corporal of the retired land forces), 74 years, imprisoned, ex-lieutenant-colonel of infantry, N°2 of DINA. He would have showed his ability in the head of the caravan of the death (commando group in helicopter of 12 men tank

- Gerardo Ernesto Godoy Garcia (colonel of the retired police-customs officers), 60 years, ex-second lieutenant of the land forces, nicknamed a captain Manuel (captain Text book) ", hesteered a group of intervention of DINA, the Tucan commando group

- Osvaldo Enrique Romo Mena, unemployed, 68 years, imprisoned in Chile, ex-commanding(ex-ordering) of the land forces, nicknamed " Romo the ventru ", member of the group of intervention of DINA which arrested Chanfreau

- Miguel Krasnoff Martchenko (colonel of the land forces), 61 years, ex-captain of the land forces, he would have participated in sessions of torture in 38, rue de Londres in Santiago, one of the centres of interrogation of DINA nicknamed " the house of the terror "

- Marcello Luis Moren Brito (colonel of the retired land forces), 71 years, ex-commanding (of the land forces affected in DINA, he would have participated in sessions of torture, street of London

- Basclay Humberto Zapata Reyes (non-commissioned officer of the land forces), 60 years, ex-non-commissioned officer of the land forces, he would have boasted to have crushed the legs of Chanfreau with a car in the Villa Grimaldi, center of interrogation of DINA

- Paul Schaeffer Schneider, leader of the " colony" of the "renamed" dignity villa Baviera ", 85 years, imprisoned in Chile, former Nazi who had based in Chile this colony which served as detention centre.

- José Octavio Zara Holger (general of the retired land forces), 64 years, ex-officer of the land forces, he would have assisted the colonel Will Counter for the activities of DINA abroad

- Raul Eduardo Iturriaga Neumann (general of the retired land forces), 69 years. Nicknamed "El Chico", he was responsible for the foreign service of DINA.

Posted by marga at 7:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Diciembre 10, 2006

Felicidades a todos

en este día de los derechos humanos universales.

Hoy también tuvimos la noticia de que Pinochet se murió, y yo que no creo en la providencia divina!

Posted by marga at 6:17 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Octubre 22, 2006

La Corte chilena dio luz verde para que el juez Garzón interrogue a Pinochet

21.10.2006 | Clarin.com | Ultimo Momento

El magistrado español investiga el traspaso de fondos que el ex dictador hizo en 1998 desde una cuenta en EE.UU. a otra de Chile, cuando sobre sus bienes pesaba una orden de embargo internacional.

La Justicia chilena autorizó hoy al juez español Baltasar Garzón para que interrogue al ex dictador Augusto Pinochet y a su esposa, Lucía Hiriart, en el marco de la investigación por traspasos de dinero que efectuaron a pesar del embargo internacional que el magistrado había decretado.

El juez español Garzón investiga a Pinochet por ocultar sus bienes cuando existía el embargo y estuvo detenido durante más de 500 días en Londres en 1998.

La Corte Suprema chilena hizo lugar al exhorto enviado por el magistrado español, para interrogar a Pinochet y a su esposa a raíz de "los traspasos de dinero que realizaron desde el Banco Riggs a Chile, mientras existía un embargo internacional de su fortuna en 1998".

El embargo había solicitado por Garzón como una forma de garantizar una futura indemnización económica a las familias de las víctimas de genocidio y violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas durante la dictadura militar que gobernó Chile entre 1973 y 1990.

Pinochet es investigado también en Chile por la fortuna que acumuló en el exterior en un proceso en que el Servicio de Impuestos Internos se querelló por evasión tributaria y otros delitos.

(Fuente: Télam).


Posted by marga at 6:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack