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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


10th Ordnance Battalion (PAC)


Army premises between Avenidas General Paz and Constituyentes, Zufriategui and Brasil, Villa Martelli, District of San Martín, Buenos Aires province.
Occupied by the 601st Arsenal Company and 10th Artillery Ordnance Battalion. Separated from the buildings of the 601st Engineers' Battalion by a high wall. Conscripts' entrance on Zufriategui. Main gaile with archway.


Towards the back of the Battalion was a whitewashed block with very tall, narrow cells; bunks on top of each other or wooden planks, beige-coloured metal doors and a skylight giving on to the connecting hallway. Small infirmary.
Near the Avenida General Paz, opposite the drive-in cinema and level with the 'Mayoria' building but outside the area to which conscripts had access was an old masonry construction of approximately 5 by 4 metres, with a wall in front of the entrance, no door and inside two closed cells with bars.
On the third floor there was a large room which was also used for interrogation sessions



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