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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


La Escuelita - Neuquén (PAC)


181st Construction Battalion; on leaving Neuquén by Route 22, an unmade road approximately 300 metres long branches off on the left, four kilometres before the airport.


Two buildings approximately 10 metres apart. The prisoners lived in an old building with whitewashed walls, concrete floor and a corrugated iron roof. Each room was divided into small compartments. Between the walls and metal roof there was a gap through which air circulated. A hole in the roof for an observation turret, now boarded up. There was a bathroom with a small wash-basin, latrine and shower, Brown entrance door with spyhole. The other building, which has since been demolished, was a large metal shed, with a barrel-shaped roof, sliding rust-coloured door and tiled floor. There was a path to the Battalion headquarters. The main entrance was through a gate controlled by Guardpost 5.




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