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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


Pozo de Quilmes or Malvinas Pick-Up Centre (PAC)


Premises of the Detective Squad, Calle Allison Bell, corner of Calle Garibaldi, Quilmes. Buenos Aires province.


Entrance to the garage from Calle Garibaldi, going through a heavy barred gate. Main entrance on Calle Allison Bell. Five-storey building.

Guardroom, offices, torture rooms, storeroom, kitchen and outhouses were on the ground floor. Offices, bathroom, large storeroom used for loot, covered balcony were on the middle level. Punishment cells, communal cell, yard, dining-room, kitchen and bathroom were on the first floor. Punishment cells, communal cell, bathrooms and yard were on the second and third floors. The punishment cells were 2 metres by 1.80 metres. The communal cells were bigger.




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