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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


Secret Air Force detention centres

Morón Air Brigade

Mary Rosa Rodríguez de Ibarrola (file No. 3736) testifies:

I was arrested with Oscar Moyano, Ubaldo Alvarez, Liliana Conti, a man called Antonio, and Señora Graif's husband. Personnel from the 7th Morón Air Brigade carried out the operation. They took us to Morón Police Station and from there I was driven, with other women, to Olmos Prison in a 136 bus. This took place on 30 March 1976.

Ubaldo Alvarez, from the same group of workers at the Posadas Hospital (file No. 4715) confirms Señora Ibarrola's testimony:

I worked in the Food Department at Posadas Hospital. On 28 March 1976 I was ill and didn't go to work. My workmates told me that the hospital was occupied that day by the armed forces, who arrested a lot of employees. I had been summoned by the new Military Director, Colonel Julio Ricardo Estévez. He called my boss and asked him to tell him where I was. When he couldn't answer, Estévez shouted, 'I'll shoot him wherever I find him.' As a result of this, I and my other trade union colleagues decided to report to a military establishment. We went to a detachment of the 7th Morón Air Brigade and from there we were taken as prisoners to Morón Police Station, where we were interrogated violently and beaten. They then transferred us to Devoto Prison and finally to La Plata Prison. from where I was released as I had a clean record.

In Luis Pereyra's testimony (file No. 4591) quoted above, we can also verify his imprisonment in the 7th Morón Brigade, to which he reported voluntarily. He was tortured there for two days before being transferred to Castelar Police Station.
Señora Carmen Zelada (file No. 4550) was arrested at her home in Morón by air force personnel, In his testimony, Luis Pereyra reports that he saw her in El Vesubio secret detention centre.

Another testimony concerning the 7th Brigade comes from Ricardo Brondo (file No. 4437):

In the early morning of 7 October 1976, sixteen young men entered his house, wearing civilian clothes and carrying arms. They covered his head with a towel, handcuffed him and put him into a van, pulling canvas sheets over him. Señor Brondo heard them wreck his home and carry off household items. ... Later Señor Brondo (still blindfolded) was transferred to another place, which he assumes was Castelar Police Station from the remarks of other prisoners there. . . He stayed in Castelar Police Station for about two months (for eleven days under continuous torture), until he was taken to the 7th Air Brigade, from which he was released on 19 December 1976.




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