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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


Secret detention centres in Córdoba province

Information Division of the Provincial Police (D2)

This branch of the provincial police was an important centre of operations. In our various representations before the federal courts we have mentioned the relationship between the 'D2', as it was called, and the secret detention centres at La Ribera and La Perla.

In the same way it emerges from prison service files we have obtained that people kept in the prison units were transferred to the Information Division to be subjected to further interrogation.

The testimony of Horacio Zamame (file No. 7595) gives more details about the functions of 'D2':

I was arrested at work by members of the provincial police on 12 November 1976. They took me to the Information Department, then located at their headquarters. There I was frisked for weapons and deprived of my possessions. Then they bound and handcuffed me. I stayed there for five days, being subjected to illegal treatment of various kinds.





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