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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


Disappearance of Claudio Ernesto Logares, Mónica Sofía Grispón de Logares, and Paula Eva Logares - Files N° 1982, 1983, and 1984

This refers to the case of an Argentine family living in Montevideo, Uruguay, where they were kidnapped.

On 18 May 1978 Claudio Ernesto Logares, Argentine, his wife, Mónica Sofía Grispón de Logares, and the child Paula Eva Logares were arrested at 15.30 outside No. 1757, Ave. Fernández Crespo, Montevideo, by a group of heavily armed civilians who were travelling in three cars. The couple were separated and Señor Logares was taken to one car while his wife and little daughter were taken to another. Inquiries were made in Uruguay and in Argentina as to the family's whereabouts, with no success.

It is very important, however, to highlight the fact that the child, Paula Eva Logares, was traced with the help of the grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo. She was found in the hands of an ex-police inspector of Buenos Aires province who had registered her as his own daughter. After the deposition was made before the Federal Court No. 1 in Buenos Aires city,, the magistrate issued a warrant of arrest for the prima facie involvement in the offence of falsifying the civil status of a child of ten years, against Rubén Luis Lavallén, Raquel Teresa Leyro and Dr Jorge Héctor Vidal, together with the offence of fraudulent falsification of a public document (birth certificate).

That the girl should have turned up in our country in the hands of a member of the police force is strong evidence that the kidnap of the Logares family was carried out through close collaboration between illegal pressure groups who made use of their links to abduct and change the identitiy of the child Paula Eva Logares.




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