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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


Escuelita - Bahía Blanca (PAC)


On the Carrindanga road (Ring Road), behind the 5th Army Corps, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires province.


Old building with two rooms with bunks. Broken roofs, wooden floors with gaps and yellowish walls, High windows with colonial iron-work and dark green shutters. On one of the walls, the inscription 'AAA', opposite, a blackboard. Between the two rooms there is a hall with a tiled floor where the guard would sit. There was also a bed for a prisoner. This part of the house was sealed off by iron bars. There was a corridor leading to the guards' room, their bathroom and the kitchen. In the yard there was a torture room, a latrine for the prisoners and a cistern. There was also a caravan where the guards slept. Later two more vans were installed for prisoners




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