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Part I
The Repression

Nunca Más (Never Again) - Report of Conadep  - 1984


The Journalist Jacobo Timmerman

Director and founder of the newspaper La Opinión, Timerman was kidnapped on 15 April 1977, and according to his own declarations, those responsible were armed with rifles and plundered his most valuable possessions.

Taken to the secret centres Puesto Vasco and COT I Martinez, he received frequent electric shocks on his naked body and was interrogated for a whole month. He was later officially recognized and after a period of detention was kept under house arrest and then expelled from the country and deprived of his Argentinian nationality.

His was the only habeas corpus writ submitted to be accepted during the military regime, his defence lawyer being Dr Genaro Carrió, currently President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina.




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